“Lifelong wellness starts here!"
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The Power Bracelet
Learn about the science behind the jewelry we make and sell. Below lists the materials that makes our products so effective.
We believe in our customers being informed and knowledgeable about what they are buying, before they buy it.
The Importance of "Grounding"
Grounding — connecting with the earth through physical touch — has been found to induce chemical and electrical changes within your body that bring about a boost in mood.
Your body is capable of creating its own electricity. Case in point: Your central nervous system generates electrical impulses that instruct your body to breathe or swallow.
Naturally, your body carries a neutral charge, but the blue light from cellphones and computers as well as an abundance of EMF pollution can alter that neutrality, and positive ions in the form of free radicals begin to invade and accumulate your tissues.
Extensive research associates free radicals with premature aging, inflammation, dementia, arthritis, hair loss, cancer and even actual damage to your DNA, so it’s in your best interest to evict them from your life as soon as possible.
In order to eliminate a positive charge, you have to introduce a negative one.
Therefore, it stands to reason that making direct contact with the negatively charged earth can return your positively charged body to a neutral state. “Nature provides electric ‘nutrition’ from the ground below to maintain natural order and healing within the bioelectrical circuitry of your body,”
Studies have concluded that this influx of earthy electrons helps calm the nervous system, shifting it from the sympathetic fight-or-flight branch toward the parasympathetic rest-and-digest branch, thereby reducing inflammation and bringing peace to the body and mind.
​Read below to find out more about the components inside of the bracelets that make them so effective. ​
Visit our Facebook page to read more about the importance of grounding!

Germanium Natural Stone
Improves PH Balance and Blood Purification
Has antioxidant properties
Normalizes Blood Pressure
Relieves joint and muscle pain
Protects from harmful radiation
Regulates Positive and Negative Ions within the body
Promotes antimicrobial activity
Aids in alleviates physical stress and cramps

Negative Ions
Improves metabolism
Strengthens autonomic nervous system
Improves lung volume
Builds stamina, endurance, strength, and strengthens the immune system
Oxygenates the blood, increases oxygen transport and abosrption

Far Infrared
Triggering the growth and repair of new muscles cells and tissues
It can bring oxygen and nutrients to injured tissues, promoting healing
Helps ease pain, relieve inflammation, and protect against oxidative stress
Increased blood circulation
Improves cognitive performance
Relieves fatigue

The Powerful Effects of Green Tourmaline
Our Green Tourmaline is mined in Brazil.
Helps detoxification
Supports fat loss
Reduces water retention/ improves lymphatics system
Improves circulation
Supports the liver and kidneys
Promotes a healthy mood
Helps eliminate toxic metals
Reduces lactic acids and free fatty acids
This form of resonance absorption helps relieve stress, increase alertness, and boost the immune system.
Tourmaline aids in treating a variety of ailments, including neurological system, muscular, and skin issues.
Powerful magnets that work miracles
Neodymium Magnets

Helps with...
Arthritis Pain
Fibromyalgia & Stiffness
Headaches and migraines
Muscular Pain
Trigger Finger
Decreased Inflammation
Reduces inflammation of joints and tendons
Increases blood flow in bone healing
Great For clients with less than optimal circulation